Chargrilled Mezze Plate recipe


Ingredients (for 1 serving):

  • Chargrilled vegetables (sweet potato, courgette, Aubergine, or peppers)

  • 2 tbsp hummus

  • 3 tbsp meditaerranean couscous

  • 2 tbsp of cooked chickpeas

  • Selection of tomatoes (cherry)

  • Thinly sliced red onion.

  • Pomegranate seeds

  • Olive Oil

  • Green Farm Sliced Chicken

  • Dukkah or toasted seasame seeds

  • Chopped coriander

  • Spring onions


  • Dress plate with chargrilled veg, hummus, cocous, chickpeas and tomotoes.

  • Garnish with pomegranate seeds, chopped coriander, spring onions, dukkah or toasted sesame seeds.

  • Drizzle with olive oil.

  • Finally add Green Farm Sliced Chicken.